DOCTOR WHO - "The Impossible Astronaut" THROWBACK Review
This first story of Series 6 opens exactly as it should. With a dedication to the late Elisabeth Sladen (although I think a dedication to Nicholas Courtney should have been there as well), who passed away so very unexpectedly this past week. I will go into greater length and detail on this sad event on my blog a bit later. After all, this is a review, and that adventure beckons. With Matt Smith’s debut season now over and done, Steven Moffat now has the opportunity to truly build on the foundation of the metaphorical house that is now well and truly set down. And its already apparent that he’s going to be doing some very bold, very striking design work this season. So with that said, let us proceed. The Story… Relaxing at home, Amy Pond is reading aloud from a history book to Rory, finding mentions of the Doctor, feeling he’s being deliberately ridiculous in an attempt to get their attention. Soon they get a TARDIS-blue card in the mail, giving a date, a time, and a...