About the Author

Who am I you might ask?

To distill it down, I'm a guy originally hailing from the coal-fields of southern West Virginia, who now lives in the "City Of Brotherly-Love", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. And yeah, I like it here. And on a related note, Yankee Cornbread is not Cornbread: its CAKE!

I'm a die-hard geek, and a life-long nerd, a chocolate-snob, a husband, and a father. I prefer Tea to Coffee, and prefer both of them to be iced. I'm an advocate for ethical non-monogamy, and I'm polyamorous myself. I'm a political progressive, who believes very strongly in equality. I'm an LGBT ally, I support Black Lives Matter, Planned-Parenthood, political finance reform, and a feminist.  I'm also fighting major depression and anxiety, and blundering through life like pretty much everyone else.

When over 97% of the Scientific Community agrees on something, I fucking take them seriously, so you better believe I support awareness about Anthropogenic Climate-Change. In fact, alongside nuclear proliferation, I consider Climate Change to be an existential threat to humankind, and most other species on this planet. It is my #1 political issue as an activist, and I don't see that ever changing, because of the impact it can have on every other issue we face.
Professionally I've been in various types of customer-service for years, and I'm great with people when I have the spoons for it. Trouble is, the older I get, the fewer spoons I seem to have in reserve. Creatively, I'm a talented illustrator, but over the past few years, the 1-2 punch of my depression and decreased dexterity has really impacted that negatively. As mentioned, I treat the former, and I'm currently getting the latter diagnosed. In the meantime, I'm also good at customizing toys, particularly Transformers, and my dexterity issues are less problematic in that area.

I geek out over things like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Comics, and Transformers. I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and pretty much all of the DCU series on the CW, especially Supergirl. When it comes to super-heroes, Superman is my jam. When it comes to super-villains, THANOS is fucking boss. If you want to strike up a conversation with me on any of those subjects, I can go for hours, so consider yourself warned.

I nerd out over things like Astronomy, Psychology, and I absolutely love Zoology. And while I adore books, I'm more of a reference guy than a fiction guy. If I could point to a favorite fictional author, I'd probably run with Michael Moorcock, because I've read every book in his Elric saga, and I just love that tragic and complex character. But yeah, if you need to find me in a library, chances are I'll be in the reference sections.

I dork out when I get overly excited about my main interests, especially when around the like-minded, but can be absolute rubbish at parties, due to my complete inability to mingle and make small-talk. When I have the time and money, I love to travel, and adore the Convention-scene: sci-fi, comics, horror, I absolutely love to attend conventions that feature those subjects: I go to panels, get my picture taken with celebs, cosplay when I can manage to whip something up, spend too much money, and just have a great time in general.

So that's me in a nutshell, and if I'm passionate about something, chances are that I'll cover it in my blog entries eventually, and I hope you like what you read!


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