About the Author

Who am I you might ask?

To distill it down, I'm a guy originally hailing from the coal-fields of southern West Virginia, who spent nearly a decade in Philadelphia, and now lives in Ohio. 

I'm a die-hard geek, and a life-long nerd, a chocolate-snob, and a father. I prefer Tea to Coffee, and prefer both of them to be iced. I'm an advocate for ethical non-monogamy, and I'm polyamorous myself. I'm a political progressive, who believes very strongly in equality. I support LGBTQA rights, Black Lives Matter, Planned-Parenthood, political finance reform, and a feminist.  I'm also fighting major depression and anxiety, and blundering through life like pretty much everyone else.

When over 97% of the Scientific Community agrees on something, I fucking take them seriously, so you better believe I support awareness about Anthropogenic Climate-Change. In fact, alongside nuclear proliferation, I consider Climate Change to be an existential threat to humankind, and most other species on this planet. It is my #1 political issue as an activist, and I don't see that ever changing, because of the impact it can have on every other issue we face.

Professionally I've been in various types of customer-service for years, and I'm great with people when I have the spoons for it. Trouble is, the older I get, the fewer spoons I seem to have in reserve. Creatively, I'm a talented illustrator, but over the past few years, the 1-2 punch of my depression and decreased dexterity due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has really impacted that negatively. But, I soldier on.

I geek out over things like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Comics, and Transformers. I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When it comes to super-heroes, Superman is my jam. When it comes to super-villains, THANOS is fucking boss. If you want to strike up a conversation with me on any of those subjects, I can go for hours, so consider yourself warned.

I nerd out over things like Astronomy, Psychology, and I absolutely love Zoology. And while I adore books, I'm more of a reference guy than a fiction guy. If I could point to a favorite fictional author, I'd probably run with Michael Moorcock, because I've read every book in his Elric saga, and I just love that tragic and complex character. But yeah, if you need to find me in a library, chances are I'll be in the reference sections.

I dork out when I get overly excited about my main interests, especially when around the like-minded, but can be absolute rubbish at parties, due to my complete inability to mingle and make small-talk. When I have the time and money, I love to travel, and adore the Convention-scene: sci-fi, comics, horror, I absolutely love to attend conventions that feature those subjects: I go to panels, get my picture taken with celebs, cosplay when I can manage to whip something up, spend too much money, and just have a great time in general.

So that's me in a nutshell, and if I'm passionate about something, chances are that I'll cover it in my blog entries eventually, and I hope you like what you read!


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