Its coming...

Buffy cast by illustrator Jo Chen

...the great BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER re-watch and review of 2020 is coming. 

I've watched Buffy. A lot. I've probably watched the complete series from end-to-end about 3 times. I started my 4th re-watch back in 2016, so I could watch it through with my Girlfriend. However, it petered off in season 3 due to scheduling, and it was never completed. 

I'll go into greater length about all of this when I start my reviews proper, but suffice it to say, BUFFY and ANGEL both mean a hell of a lot to me to this day. Even though I didn't grow up with it, since I was a grown man when it began, its still a part of the fabric of who I have become. 

Sure, I've watched it, read books about it, read some books and a lot of comics set within its universe, listened to the music from the series, and even sat in on discussion-panels at conventions about it. But, even though I have at times analyzed its content and its themes, I've never truly sat down and watched it with an eye of a reviewer. So, this will be a first for me, and I'll admit that I have a few people to thank for this, most notably Ian Martin of Passion Of The Nerd, and also Van over at YouTube. 

So, I'm hardly alone in doing this. After all, online reviewers are everywhere, and a LOT of YouTubers have been/are doing Buffyverse re-watch videos as well. But this one is mine, done for me, and hopefully some of you will decide to devote just a little time to read what I have to say.

So, I hope you'll join me. You won't have long to wait.


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