It's on hold...

So, that promised BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER rewatch? Yeah, that's on hold, and I apologize. 

Why is that? To be honest, I may be going about it the wrong way. I had decided to do a very in-depth deep-dive style of review, and that's what I was working on as I watched Welcome To The Hellmouth, but in the end, I may have waded into deeper waters than I have the energy to navigate. The review I was writing got so long and involved, it frankly became a slog.

And why? Why should I turn something like that into a slog? There are Buffy deep-dives aplenty out there, and have been since the very start. I really don't know if I can say anything new about the show with an in-depth approach, and honestly, I just don't have the background in things like philosophy and film-studies to justify it, I'd just be building off the work that others has done before, and done better.

So, I'm going to hang back, and take a more relaxed approach to it, and see what develops. Rather than devoting myself to in-depth observations for each episode, I think I should take an episode-by-episode approach. Sometimes I'll have a lot to say, and at other times, not so much. In the end, I think I'll be a lot happier with the process if I handle it like that.

Anyway, I'll see about getting that ramped up in November, once my annual HORROR MARATHON is over and done with. Until then, watch this space!


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